Friday, October 17, 2014
Four hundred and eighty days later...
Four hundred and eighty days ago my life was forever changed when I stepped foot on Ugandan soil for the first time. Four hundred and seventy days ago my heart was broken when I came back home to the United States. Forty-seven days ago all my prayers were answered when I got the email saying that my application has been accepted to be an intern for Heal Ministries during the summer of 2015. In about two hundred and twenty-six days I am finally going back…
Do you ever wish God worked like a magic eight ball? I know this may sound like a silly question, but man do I feel like life would be so much easier if I could just ask God a question and then -poof- my answer would magically appear right in front of my face. Well, in case you did not already know, that isn't quite how this whole prayer thing works. As most of you know I have had one thing at the center of my heart, mind, and prayers for over a year now —Uganda. The ten days I spent there during the summer of 2013 were the absolute best days of my life, and I have been anxiously waiting to be able to return since the minuet I stepped foot back in the United States.
If it had been up to me, I would have been to Uganda and back half a dozen times by now, but it hasn't been. The biggest lesson I have learned since returning home from my mission trip is how the Lord uses us for HIS plan in HIS timing. For so long I have known that God was going to continue to use me to serve his people in Africa, but how and when has been the biggest question. I am impatient. When I get an idea in my head I like to make it happen, but The Lord however doesn't work according to my silly plans. So I have waited, and I have prayed for the day when I would know with all my heart that he was ready to call me back to Africa, and I am so ecstatic to finally be able to share with you friends that THE DAY HAS FINALLY COME!!
During the summer of 2015 I will be working as an intern for Heal Ministries in Uganda at The James Place for a period of about six weeks. For those of you who do not know, I spent time with Heal during my last trip to Uganda and absolutely fell in love. The spirit of The Lord is alive at The James Place and it is more than evident that God is using Heal Ministries to bring the light and love of Jesus Christ to the people of Uganda. Heal Ministries serves the women and children of Jinja, Uganda by providing Christ centered programs that give women opportunities to learn so they can provide for their families. In Uganda there are very few job opportunities for women other than prostitution and brewing beer. By providing these women with English classes and business classes they become eligible to work much safer jobs that also pay more. In addition to taking the English and business classes the women are also required to take a Bible course that shows them how truly valuable they are not only in our eyes at Heal Ministries, but most importantly in the eyes of The Lord. The James Place also provides childcare and preschool for the children of the women of the program. Without child care these women would have no way to attend their classes nor have a job. Lastly, The James Place hosts a Kids Club every week for the children from the surrounding areas as a way to shower them with the love of Jesus while also providing them with a safe environment and some food. For more information please check out God answers prayers. If there was just one thing I could share with you today it is that. God is faithful and he knows the desires of our heart, but at the same time he knows what is best for our lives and how we can best serve him and his people. And if we let him — he will use us all for amazing things. It is far from easy opening your heart fully to The Lord, but hear me when I say friends— it is so so worth it. I am so thankful that The Lord is using me to serve his people on the other side of the world. I am so humbled to know that He is using me to do such amazing things in his name. But I am even more humbled by what he has done in my heart through the process of leading me back to Uganda. I still have a long way to go, not only in time but also in preparation for my trip. There are a lot of unknowns when it comes to how I am going to pay to get there and my safety and health once I am there. Im not going to lie — I'm scared. But I have faith. I have faith that the Lord will provide and that he has a plan.
The Bible says in Matthew 7:7-8 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” I asked the Lord to bring me back to Uganda, and he answered. Now I am asking again for the Lord to provide. I am also asking for your help. I need your prayers. I ask that you pray for Heal Ministries and their work at The James Place. I ask that you pray for my parents, because I know this is so not easy for them to let me do. But oh how I am thankful for their love and support, they truly are amazing. I ask that you pray that provision to pay for my trip comes. For me personally the hardest part about going on a mission trip is asking for help to get there. Unfortunately mission trips are not free, they are actually insanely expensive, and I cannot pay for it on my own. I do not like asking for help, and The Lord is definitely using this experience to humble my heart and teach me that sometimes you just can’t do it on your own. So this is me asking for help once again. If you feel like my mission is something you think God is nudging you to help support I am so so very thankful. I am collecting funds that will all go towards my airline ticket and cost of living while in Africa. I am also selling the most GORGEOUS beaded necklaces made by the women in Africa as a way to provide for their families. I am also willing to do any work I can to earn money to pay for my trip, so if there is anything I can do for you please let me know. Feel free to call, text, email, or Facebook me. I will post all my information down below! Lastly, I ask that you just simply pray for me and my trip. There is no doubt in my mind that the Lord will use me for great things while I am in Jinja, and I can not wait to find out what those great things are.
Thank you all for your continued love, support, and prayers. I am so excited to begin this journey once again and I cannot wait to finally have my toes in that red dirt once again.
Facebook- Katie Browning
Cell Phone- 615-322-1536
-if you are interested in purchasing a necklace or donating please use one of these ways to contact me-
Monday, September 8, 2014
I am Your's, and You are mine.
Who am I? This is a question that continuously seems to follow me as I go throughout life. Over a year ago I asked myself this exact question, and I began spilling my heart out on this little thing I call a blog. I know that the Lord is constantly forming me into the young woman he wants me to be, however, so often I catch myself veering off that path and running into situations that change me --and not always for what seems like the better. A year ago I wrote about how when I ask myself "who am I" my answer is that I am His. Today I was reminded of those words when I went to this amazing service in Knoxville called Crossroads. We talked about conformed thinking versus transformed thinking over the topic of how we see ourselves. In today's culture we are pushed to be our own person. We are constantly told that we are who we are and that we need to live our own lives based on who we want to be. As important as it is not to be conformed to the ways of world, that is just not enough. We can not just simply not conform to the world, we must also be transformed -- transformed by the love of Jesus. Romans 12:3 says "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -- his good, pleasing, and perfect will." We can not be just who we are, because who we are is just a bunch of sinners.
Without Jesus I am nothing more than a girl who messes up countless times everyday. I am a liar, I am a cheater, I am mean, I am ugly. I know that without the love of Jesus my life has no point. I could live my life for myself. I could do what I want to do when I want to do it, and not hold myself accountable for my actions. And to be quite honest... there have been many times in my life when that has been the case. I'll be the first to tell you however that living life that way is just empty. That is why I have chosen not to live my life for myself, I have instead chosen to give it back to the Lord. And as scary as it is, I found that the best times of my life have been when I have thrown myself down at the foot of the cross and given myself completely to him. Yes sometimes I still stumble and veer away from the path that the Lord has laid before me, but somehow he always leads me back and welcomes me with open arms.
Galatians 2:20 says "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." I know I am still going to mess up a lot. I know that I am not always going to understand why the Lord is leading me in certain ways, but I know that as long as that I am living my life for him it will be beautiful.
The Lord has blessed me in so many ways, I couldn't even begin to tell you. But I will tell you this.. there are some really really cool things that He is starting to reveal to me. There has been a prayer that I have been praying for years, and every time the Lord has told me not yet. I am excited to say however that the Lord has finally answered my prayer, and I can not wait to be able to share this exciting news with you all. I ask for your continues prayers and am thankful for all the love and support. I love you all so much.
The Lord has blessed me in so many ways, I couldn't even begin to tell you. But I will tell you this.. there are some really really cool things that He is starting to reveal to me. There has been a prayer that I have been praying for years, and every time the Lord has told me not yet. I am excited to say however that the Lord has finally answered my prayer, and I can not wait to be able to share this exciting news with you all. I ask for your continues prayers and am thankful for all the love and support. I love you all so much.
My first ever blog I ended with a quote from the song "Who am I" by Casting Crowns. Tonight I want to end with another song that never fails to remind me just who I am.
"Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior
I will call upon Your name
Keep my eyes above the waves
My soul will rest in Your embrace
I am Yours and You are mine"
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior
I will call upon Your name
Keep my eyes above the waves
My soul will rest in Your embrace
I am Yours and You are mine"
- Oceans by Hillsong
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
A Letter to My Younger Self
Dear Katie,
I am writing this letter because my life is about to dramatically change. In a little over a week I'm packing up my car and moving to Knoxville to start this next chapter of my life. I am so excited, but so incredibly nervous at the same time. Everything is about change, and as eager as I have been to finally get to this point of my life... I am scared.
I guess all of this upcoming change has caused me to reflect back upon the last four years of my life, and I have had a few realizations. I made a lot of mistakes the past four years and looking back now, as much as those mistakes hurt me at the time, I guess I am thankful because they have gotten me to where I am today. You are going to get your heart broken.. a few times. You are going to embarrass yourself... more than a few times. But just remember it is ok! As much as it seems like you are the only one going through this awkward and confusing time, you're not. Everyone else is just as insecure as you are.
I guess the most important thing I have to tell you is to just let go. Do not hold so tightly to everyone else's opinion of you, because in all honesty... they just don't matter. I know you do not feel confident and I know you feel like you're never going to be cool enough, pretty enough, or skinny enough but all those things are not what makes a confident person. Let me let you in on a little secret -- If you are trying to find joy in the world, you're never going to find it. True joy and true confidence can only come from one place -- your relationship with the Lord. In the eyes of the world you are never going to be perfect, there is always going to be something wrong with you. But if you give your heart fully to Jesus he will make you beautiful. In God's eyes you are perfect.
The last thing I want to say is enjoy this time of your life. Try things that you never imagined you would do, work hard at what you are passionate about, and do not be afraid to share your heart with others. The Lord has a perfect plan for you, and even though you don't realize it now... everything you are going through is being used by The Lord to make you into the woman you are going to become. Never forget how precious you truly are.
Much Love,
Your future self
I am writing this letter because my life is about to dramatically change. In a little over a week I'm packing up my car and moving to Knoxville to start this next chapter of my life. I am so excited, but so incredibly nervous at the same time. Everything is about change, and as eager as I have been to finally get to this point of my life... I am scared.
I guess all of this upcoming change has caused me to reflect back upon the last four years of my life, and I have had a few realizations. I made a lot of mistakes the past four years and looking back now, as much as those mistakes hurt me at the time, I guess I am thankful because they have gotten me to where I am today. You are going to get your heart broken.. a few times. You are going to embarrass yourself... more than a few times. But just remember it is ok! As much as it seems like you are the only one going through this awkward and confusing time, you're not. Everyone else is just as insecure as you are.
I guess the most important thing I have to tell you is to just let go. Do not hold so tightly to everyone else's opinion of you, because in all honesty... they just don't matter. I know you do not feel confident and I know you feel like you're never going to be cool enough, pretty enough, or skinny enough but all those things are not what makes a confident person. Let me let you in on a little secret -- If you are trying to find joy in the world, you're never going to find it. True joy and true confidence can only come from one place -- your relationship with the Lord. In the eyes of the world you are never going to be perfect, there is always going to be something wrong with you. But if you give your heart fully to Jesus he will make you beautiful. In God's eyes you are perfect.
The last thing I want to say is enjoy this time of your life. Try things that you never imagined you would do, work hard at what you are passionate about, and do not be afraid to share your heart with others. The Lord has a perfect plan for you, and even though you don't realize it now... everything you are going through is being used by The Lord to make you into the woman you are going to become. Never forget how precious you truly are.
Much Love,
Your future self
Friday, July 18, 2014
What They Don't Tell You About Mission Trips
It has now been over a year since I returned home from my first mission trip to Uganda, Africa and it still hurts. I know that is a very frank sentence, and as much as most people try to act like they understand -- they just don't. Most of my friends don't understand, my parents don't truly understand, and in all honesty... I don't really understand myself some days. Today my mother emailed me this blog post from a girl returning from her first mission trip in Africa called "What They Don't Tell You About Mission Trips", and for the first time I felt like someone finally understood how I am feeling. You see, the thing about mission trips is that thankfully so many people are interested in your journey and want to help, but then when you return home those same people want to know all about it. Don't get me wrong, in no way are those people a hassle and I am so happy to tell anyone willing to listen about my experiences, but it is just hard. How do you put into words that you had the best moments and the worst moments of your life in just a two week period. How do you explain how it felt to hold a baby in your arms that was once abandoned by it's own mother because it was just simply unwanted. How do you describe the face of a little girl starved to the bone but yet so beautiful with her big smile and neon yellow dress. As much as I may try.... I just can't.
For so long when I retuned home from my trip I thought that something was wrong with me, and then those feelings of self doubt turned into fear. How was I supposed to take the most life changing experiences in Africa and apply them to my everyday life here in America? If I am being honest, it is still a fear I have today. Some of the most comfortable moments of my life I spent in probably what can be considered one of the most uncomfortable places. So now how do I find that sense of just true peace with myself, with God, and with the world now in probably the most comfortable place in the world? I don't know if any of this is making any sense but I am going to link the blogpost I am referring to here ( ). I encourage you to read it, because to all who are wondering... this is what it feels like. My favorite quote from the post is this... "The same faithful God Who called me with a purpose to Zambia is the same God Who called me back to America. If He really is Who I believe Him to be, then regardless of my emotions, I know He hasn’t left me. I know that He has a purpose and a plan for my life. I used to struggle with thinking I would miss that one big purpose, but I’ve come realize our purpose in life isn’t one big event that we’re climbing towards. Our purpose here on earth is to love God and love people while we’re here on this earth. However we can, wherever we can, whatever it costs us personally." No matter where we are or what we are doing with our life God is with us, and that is the simply truth. This I know to be true -- God sent me to Africa for a reason, and he brought me home for a reason to. I don't know what his great plan for my life is, but I know that whatever it is, as long as I put my trust in him, it will be beautiful.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout my missions. I am so thankful to have a family in Christ that surrounds me and showers me with love. And to all those who I have literally broken out into tears in front of over this whole thing... an extra special big thanks to you. My hope is that by reading this blog and the blog a linked that you all may be able to understand a little bit more of why Uganda is such a big part of who I am know, and why it still hurts so badly for me to be home.
Much love,
For so long when I retuned home from my trip I thought that something was wrong with me, and then those feelings of self doubt turned into fear. How was I supposed to take the most life changing experiences in Africa and apply them to my everyday life here in America? If I am being honest, it is still a fear I have today. Some of the most comfortable moments of my life I spent in probably what can be considered one of the most uncomfortable places. So now how do I find that sense of just true peace with myself, with God, and with the world now in probably the most comfortable place in the world? I don't know if any of this is making any sense but I am going to link the blogpost I am referring to here ( ). I encourage you to read it, because to all who are wondering... this is what it feels like. My favorite quote from the post is this... "The same faithful God Who called me with a purpose to Zambia is the same God Who called me back to America. If He really is Who I believe Him to be, then regardless of my emotions, I know He hasn’t left me. I know that He has a purpose and a plan for my life. I used to struggle with thinking I would miss that one big purpose, but I’ve come realize our purpose in life isn’t one big event that we’re climbing towards. Our purpose here on earth is to love God and love people while we’re here on this earth. However we can, wherever we can, whatever it costs us personally." No matter where we are or what we are doing with our life God is with us, and that is the simply truth. This I know to be true -- God sent me to Africa for a reason, and he brought me home for a reason to. I don't know what his great plan for my life is, but I know that whatever it is, as long as I put my trust in him, it will be beautiful.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout my missions. I am so thankful to have a family in Christ that surrounds me and showers me with love. And to all those who I have literally broken out into tears in front of over this whole thing... an extra special big thanks to you. My hope is that by reading this blog and the blog a linked that you all may be able to understand a little bit more of why Uganda is such a big part of who I am know, and why it still hurts so badly for me to be home.
Much love,
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
A Broken Heart, God's Timing, and Future Plans.
So I have a confession to make-- my heart is kind of broken. Now I know what you are thinking, no it is not because of some boy, so you can put away the pitch forks. My heart is broken because a few weeks ago I had to make the decision not to travel back to Uganda this summer. I have wanted to write an update for a long time now, but I just haven't been able to bring myself to write about it because I am truly heart broken over it. But now that it is officially summer and because I keep getting asked, I think I've got some explaining to do.
A couple months back I was sure God was calling me back to Uganda to serve this summer. It seemed like every where I looked, boom, there was something about Africa, orphans, or serving. So I begged my parents and finally got the OK to start planning. I am going to be honest, it was a rash decision and anyone who has ever had to plan a mission trip knows that it is not something that happens over night, but I had faith that if that is what the Lord would happen. So filled with giddiness and excitment I emailed Tina Weir, the director of Heal Ministries, and got connected with a group who will be traveling to Uganda this summer. As excited as I was though, as soon as I started planning something just didn't feel right. I continued to pray about it though and started fundraising, and unfortunately things started to fall apart fairly quickly. Plans kept falling though, funding was not coming in like I was hoping for, and it was becoming evident that maybe this was not what The Lord wanted me to do. It was then after a lot of prayer and deliberation that I made the call to postpone my trip.
Ever since I made the call I have felt the pain of the gap from of the piece of my heart I left in Africa start to ache more and more. For a while, quiet honestly, I was angry. I was mad at God for allowing me to build up such false hope and for not giving me what I wanted. It was like a was a toddler whose mother had just denied them a cookie before dinner, temperamental. I just could not understand why the Lord was keeping me from doing what I felt like he had been calling me to do. It took a while, but once I finally got over my initial frustration I came to the harsh reality that it was not my time. I got over excited, jumped the gun, and took over. I made it the Katie Browning show and did not look to God for his plan. I think that there is a very fine line that we have to walk as Christians, and I know that I personally cross it often. The Lord calls us to do his work in his name, not our own work claiming it to be his. Colossians 3:17 says "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." There obviously would have been nothing wrong with me going and serving this summer. It would have been in the name of the Lord and his light and love would have been shined, but it would not have been in God's timing. I personally believe that because God has given his people the power of free will that we always have two options: our timing or God's timing. When we choose our timing we can still do good things, but not as perfectly as we can do them when it is in God's time. "The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord" Lamentations 3:25-16. Our culture today tells us to do things now now now and it makes it hard to wait, but I do think there is some truth in the saying "good things come to those who wait."
So now... I am waiting. Although I was upset in the beginning-- I am slowly started to understand. As hard as it is going to be to stay away from my friends and the little brown hands that captured my heart, I know it is for the best. I can feel the Lord tugging on my heart and starting to put plans into action. Looking back now, I think it took me failing to plan this one trip to be able to prepare myself for something much greater to come. There is no doubt in my mind that the Lord is calling me back to Africa, but this time I am going to let it be in his time. So I am started to plan work for next summer. I am hoping that instead of traveling short term like I have previously done, that I can instead stay and work for the whole summer. Nothing is set in stone, and at this point it is all only ideas. I am filled with a peace and a knowing though that the Lord is at work here.
I just want to thank everyone who has supported me and has been helping me chase this crazy heart of mine. Although things are not turning out like I originally planned, I know that it is all for the best. I also know that there is no way I could ever do any kind of mission work if it wasn't for all the love I have received from all of you. I ask that you please continue to keep me in your prayers, because there is nothing like the power of prayer. I love you all.
Monday, April 7, 2014
Endless Questions and Beautiful Answers
When? What? Where? Why? These are all questions that I ask myself countless times every day and even more these past few months especially. As many of you probably know -- I like to be in control and I am extremely stubborn. There I said it. No I am not proud of it and a lot of times it can get me into some trouble, but it's who I am. I also at times have a hard time trusting people, and an even harder time asking for other people's help. Right now my life is busier than it ever has been. Between finishing high school. getting ready for college, working, spending time with friends, being a senior (yes it takes a lot of work contrary to popular belief), church, planning a mission trip, and spending quality time with my family -- it just all started feeling like to much. Instead of enjoying living one of the most memorable years of my life I was instead allowing myself to get weighed down. I think it's at these times that we are most vulnerable to the workings of the devil. He wipers messages of giving up and easier ways in your ear, and when that doesn't work he hits you even harder with words like "you're not good enough." I'm not going to lie, after a while I started to believe him. As hard as I would pray to God for answers or help nothing would happen. And because of the type of person I am I quickly became frustrated and didn't understand why I was not getting the answers I was looking for. Before long it finally became to much, and as much as it killed me to do so -- I had to ask for help. It was then that I realized that maybe that was God's plan the whole time. God puts struggles in our life not only to make the good times even more beautiful, but also to just simply make us stronger. He even promises us in 1 Corinthians that he will not give us more than we can bare. The Lord knows where I fall short, but I know through him I am made beautiful. Through the challenges the Lord set before me he forced me to become humble and realize all of the people around me who are there for me. No matter how hard I try, I can't do it on my own. And now looking back I couldn't be more thankful that the Lord forced me to realize it. So I guess what I am trying to say is... bring it on world, because I not only have amazing friends to help me through, but also an even more amazing God. Don't rush through life, enjoy every second because no matter how cliche it might sound -- we aren't promised tomorrow. I am so thankful to God for this life he has blessed me with, and although it's sometimes hard -- I wouldn't have it any other way.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Answering God's Call
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." - Matthew 7:7-8
Well y'all I knocked and it looks like God has opened another door.
As most of you know I was blessed with the amazing opportunity to travel to Uganda, Africa last summer on a mission trip and it changed my life. It was the best and hardest 10 days of my life. When I left Uganda, I left a piece of my heart there, and after a lot of prayer and truly works of God.... I am being called back. This is my story.
About six years ago my life changed when I met a woman named Gwen Oatsvall and learned about her charity 147 Million Orphans -- a ministry used to help provide food, water, and medicine to orphans around the world as well as helping to providing fundraising tools for families trying to adopt. I was twelve years old about to turn thirteen and I decided that I wanted to collect money for a needy cause in lieu of receiving gifts for my birthday. Gwen and her husband Scott were in the process of adopting a little boy and girl named Joseph and Daisy from Uganda, Africa. As soon as I met Gwen and got to know her and her family, I knew that this was the mission God was calling me to serve. From that point forward I became great friends with the family and fell in love with their children. I felt God's call to do my part in helping to serve the orphans of the world through 147.
About a year later Gwen invited me to come listen to a friend of her's named Katie Davis speak. Katie had began traveling to Uganda her senior year of high school and now lives there running her own non-profit, Amazima Ministries, and raising thirteen little girls of her own. It was that night, for the first time, I heard God calling me to serve in Uganda. After Katie was done speaking I ran up to Gwen and told her that she was going to take me to Africa. And four years later... it happened!
This past summer I was blessed with the opportunity of going to serve with Gwen, her son, and a few others in Jinja, Uganda. It was the best 10 days of my life. The country of Uganda and it's people completely captured my heart. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, but it changed my life completely. I boarded that plane apprehensive and unsure of how the Lord could use me, just an ordinary 17 year old girl. I came home with a heart over flowing with love and the realization that the Lord can use us all to HIS glory. The day I left Uganda was one of the best and worst days of my life. I had learned so much and had experienced so much love and joy. It was hard to board that plane home not knowing when I would get to go back. My only comfort was in knowing that God sent me to Uganda for a reason and he would bring me back again in his own time.
I left my heart in Uganda and I knew that one day God would call me back there to go get it. What I was not expecting however was that it would be so soon. While in Uganda this past summer I had the great opportunity of serving at Heal Ministries. Heal Ministries is a charity that serves abandoned women and children in Jinja, Uganda. By offering English, Business, and Bible classes as well as preschool and child care, Heal helps to give these women the confidence and tools they need to break the poverty cycle in Jinja. When the opportunity arose for me to go serve with Heal again I felt God's constant presence pushing me slowly back to Uganda.
Ever since I had gotten home my heart had been heavy with a searching burden, and I now know that It was the Lord preparing to send me back.There is just one little problem though, it ain't cheap. I am a firm believer that through Christ all things are possible. When it is God's calling he will provide a way for it to happen. As scary as it is I putting my full faith in the Lord knowing that he will provide.
So now this is the really hard part, asking for help. I am a very independent person and I do not like having to ask others for help, but I know I have to put my stubbornness and ego aside. Because of the abruptness of this trip I have not been able to save up the necessary fund to purchase my plane ticket like I was able to this past summer. The total amount of funds needed is about 2,500 dollars. Ouch, I know. Please know that every tiny but helps. And if you are interested there are many different ways to get involved!!
1) I am selling Pampered Chef!
The Pampered Chef is a direct seller of high quality kitchen tools. I have grown up cooking with my mother and we both adore Pampered Chef. Our dear friend is a consultant and whenever we would have a Pampered Chef party she would tell me how awesome I would be at her job. Well, I have decided to give it a shot! I love hosting parties, cooking, and entertaining people.... so how hard could it be? Haha! Anyway if you are interested in having a party let me know! All of the funds I earn are going towards my trip.
2) I am selling beads!!
I have lots of gorgeous necklaces, bracelets, and earrings made from the Ugandan paper beads. Through 147, the beads and jewelry are made by women in Uganda as a way to provide them with a safe stable job, a way to provide for their family, and keeps them out of unsafe professions. What is really cool is that when I was in Uganda last summer I was picking up these necklaces, and now they are helping me be able to go back this summer. I am also selling beautiful crystal earrings made in Haiti. Necklaces are $20, Earrings are $15, and Bracelets are $17. You can email me orders at
3) You can stay informed about any fundraisers I am having through my social media!!
This is the most needed thing of all. I am a FIRM believer in the power of prayer, and I need all I can get friends.
5) You can donate at
If you are unable to donate that is more thank okay, prayers are needed just as much!! I know the Lord is calling back to Uganda and it is through the help of people like you that I can get there! Thank you so much for all of your love and support. It literally means the world to me.
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."
-1 Peter 4: 10-11
Well y'all I knocked and it looks like God has opened another door.
As most of you know I was blessed with the amazing opportunity to travel to Uganda, Africa last summer on a mission trip and it changed my life. It was the best and hardest 10 days of my life. When I left Uganda, I left a piece of my heart there, and after a lot of prayer and truly works of God.... I am being called back. This is my story.
About six years ago my life changed when I met a woman named Gwen Oatsvall and learned about her charity 147 Million Orphans -- a ministry used to help provide food, water, and medicine to orphans around the world as well as helping to providing fundraising tools for families trying to adopt. I was twelve years old about to turn thirteen and I decided that I wanted to collect money for a needy cause in lieu of receiving gifts for my birthday. Gwen and her husband Scott were in the process of adopting a little boy and girl named Joseph and Daisy from Uganda, Africa. As soon as I met Gwen and got to know her and her family, I knew that this was the mission God was calling me to serve. From that point forward I became great friends with the family and fell in love with their children. I felt God's call to do my part in helping to serve the orphans of the world through 147.
About a year later Gwen invited me to come listen to a friend of her's named Katie Davis speak. Katie had began traveling to Uganda her senior year of high school and now lives there running her own non-profit, Amazima Ministries, and raising thirteen little girls of her own. It was that night, for the first time, I heard God calling me to serve in Uganda. After Katie was done speaking I ran up to Gwen and told her that she was going to take me to Africa. And four years later... it happened!
This past summer I was blessed with the opportunity of going to serve with Gwen, her son, and a few others in Jinja, Uganda. It was the best 10 days of my life. The country of Uganda and it's people completely captured my heart. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, but it changed my life completely. I boarded that plane apprehensive and unsure of how the Lord could use me, just an ordinary 17 year old girl. I came home with a heart over flowing with love and the realization that the Lord can use us all to HIS glory. The day I left Uganda was one of the best and worst days of my life. I had learned so much and had experienced so much love and joy. It was hard to board that plane home not knowing when I would get to go back. My only comfort was in knowing that God sent me to Uganda for a reason and he would bring me back again in his own time.
I left my heart in Uganda and I knew that one day God would call me back there to go get it. What I was not expecting however was that it would be so soon. While in Uganda this past summer I had the great opportunity of serving at Heal Ministries. Heal Ministries is a charity that serves abandoned women and children in Jinja, Uganda. By offering English, Business, and Bible classes as well as preschool and child care, Heal helps to give these women the confidence and tools they need to break the poverty cycle in Jinja. When the opportunity arose for me to go serve with Heal again I felt God's constant presence pushing me slowly back to Uganda.
Ever since I had gotten home my heart had been heavy with a searching burden, and I now know that It was the Lord preparing to send me back.There is just one little problem though, it ain't cheap. I am a firm believer that through Christ all things are possible. When it is God's calling he will provide a way for it to happen. As scary as it is I putting my full faith in the Lord knowing that he will provide.
So now this is the really hard part, asking for help. I am a very independent person and I do not like having to ask others for help, but I know I have to put my stubbornness and ego aside. Because of the abruptness of this trip I have not been able to save up the necessary fund to purchase my plane ticket like I was able to this past summer. The total amount of funds needed is about 2,500 dollars. Ouch, I know. Please know that every tiny but helps. And if you are interested there are many different ways to get involved!!
1) I am selling Pampered Chef!
The Pampered Chef is a direct seller of high quality kitchen tools. I have grown up cooking with my mother and we both adore Pampered Chef. Our dear friend is a consultant and whenever we would have a Pampered Chef party she would tell me how awesome I would be at her job. Well, I have decided to give it a shot! I love hosting parties, cooking, and entertaining people.... so how hard could it be? Haha! Anyway if you are interested in having a party let me know! All of the funds I earn are going towards my trip.
2) I am selling beads!!
I have lots of gorgeous necklaces, bracelets, and earrings made from the Ugandan paper beads. Through 147, the beads and jewelry are made by women in Uganda as a way to provide them with a safe stable job, a way to provide for their family, and keeps them out of unsafe professions. What is really cool is that when I was in Uganda last summer I was picking up these necklaces, and now they are helping me be able to go back this summer. I am also selling beautiful crystal earrings made in Haiti. Necklaces are $20, Earrings are $15, and Bracelets are $17. You can email me orders at
3) You can stay informed about any fundraisers I am having through my social media!!
This is the most needed thing of all. I am a FIRM believer in the power of prayer, and I need all I can get friends.
5) You can donate at
If you are unable to donate that is more thank okay, prayers are needed just as much!! I know the Lord is calling back to Uganda and it is through the help of people like you that I can get there! Thank you so much for all of your love and support. It literally means the world to me.
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."
-1 Peter 4: 10-11
six years ago my life changed when I met a woman named Gwen Oatsvall
and learned about her charity 147 Million Orphans -- a ministry used to
help provide food, water, and medicine to orphans around the world as
well as providing funderaising tools for families trying to adopt. I was
twelve years old about to turn thirteen and I decided that I wanted to
collect money for a needy cause in lieu of receiving gifts for my
birthday. Gwen and her husband Scott were in the middle of the adoption
of their little boy Joseph and little girl Daisy from Uganda. As soon as
I met Gwen and got to know her and her family, I knew that this was the
mission God was calling me to serve. From that point forward I became
great friends with the family and fell in love with their children. I
felt God's call to do my part in helping to serve the orphans of the
world through 147.
About a year later Gwen invited me to come listen to a friend of her's named Katie Davis speak. Katie had began traveling to Uganda her senior year of high school and now lives there running her own non-profit, Amazima, and raising thirteen little girls of her own. It was that night, for the first time, that I heard God calling me to serve in Uganda. After Katie was done speaking I ran up to Gwen and told her that she was going to take me to Africa. And four years later... it happened!
This past summer I was blessed with the opportunity of going to serve with Gwen, her son, and a few others in Jinja, Uganda. It was the best 10 days of my life. The country of Uganda and it's people completely captured my heart. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, but it changed my life completely. I boarded that plane the first time apprehensive and unsure of how the Lord could use me, just an ordinary 17 year old girl. I came home with a heart over flowing with love and the realization that the Lord can use us all to HIS glory. The day I left Uganda was one of the best and worst days of my life. I had learned so much and had experienced so much love and joy. It was hard to board that plane not knowing when I would get to go back. My only comfort was in knowing that God sent me to Uganda for a reason and he would bring me back again.
I left my heart in Uganda and I knew that one day God would call me back there to go get it. What I was not expecting however was that it would be so soon. While in Uganda this past summer I had the great opportunity of serving at Heal Ministries. Heal Ministries is a charity that serves abandoned women and children in Jinja, Uganda. By offering English, Business, and Bible classes as well as preschool and child care, Heal helps to give these women the confidence and tools they need to break the poverty cycle in Jinja. When the opportunity arose for me to go serve with Heal again I felt God's constant presence pushing me slowly back to Uganda. Ever since I had gotten home my heart had been heavy with a searching burden, and I now know that It was the Lord preparing to send me back.
There is just one little problem though, it ain't cheap. I am a firm believer that through Christ all things are possible. When it is God's calling he will provide a way for it to happen. As scary as it is I putting my full faith in the Lord knowing that he will provide. If you feel God is calling you to donate to help me get back to Uganda I am so very thankful. Please know that every tiny but helps. There are many different ways to get involved!! 1) You can donate here 2) You can order Ugandan beads for $20 by emailing me at 3) You can stay informed about any fundraisers I am having through my blog
If you are unable to donate that is more thank okay, prayers are needed just as much!! I know the Lord is calling back to Uganda and it is through the help of people like you that I can get there!
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."
-1 Peter 4: 10-11
- See more at:
About a year later Gwen invited me to come listen to a friend of her's named Katie Davis speak. Katie had began traveling to Uganda her senior year of high school and now lives there running her own non-profit, Amazima, and raising thirteen little girls of her own. It was that night, for the first time, that I heard God calling me to serve in Uganda. After Katie was done speaking I ran up to Gwen and told her that she was going to take me to Africa. And four years later... it happened!
This past summer I was blessed with the opportunity of going to serve with Gwen, her son, and a few others in Jinja, Uganda. It was the best 10 days of my life. The country of Uganda and it's people completely captured my heart. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, but it changed my life completely. I boarded that plane the first time apprehensive and unsure of how the Lord could use me, just an ordinary 17 year old girl. I came home with a heart over flowing with love and the realization that the Lord can use us all to HIS glory. The day I left Uganda was one of the best and worst days of my life. I had learned so much and had experienced so much love and joy. It was hard to board that plane not knowing when I would get to go back. My only comfort was in knowing that God sent me to Uganda for a reason and he would bring me back again.
I left my heart in Uganda and I knew that one day God would call me back there to go get it. What I was not expecting however was that it would be so soon. While in Uganda this past summer I had the great opportunity of serving at Heal Ministries. Heal Ministries is a charity that serves abandoned women and children in Jinja, Uganda. By offering English, Business, and Bible classes as well as preschool and child care, Heal helps to give these women the confidence and tools they need to break the poverty cycle in Jinja. When the opportunity arose for me to go serve with Heal again I felt God's constant presence pushing me slowly back to Uganda. Ever since I had gotten home my heart had been heavy with a searching burden, and I now know that It was the Lord preparing to send me back.
There is just one little problem though, it ain't cheap. I am a firm believer that through Christ all things are possible. When it is God's calling he will provide a way for it to happen. As scary as it is I putting my full faith in the Lord knowing that he will provide. If you feel God is calling you to donate to help me get back to Uganda I am so very thankful. Please know that every tiny but helps. There are many different ways to get involved!! 1) You can donate here 2) You can order Ugandan beads for $20 by emailing me at 3) You can stay informed about any fundraisers I am having through my blog
If you are unable to donate that is more thank okay, prayers are needed just as much!! I know the Lord is calling back to Uganda and it is through the help of people like you that I can get there!
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."
-1 Peter 4: 10-11
- See more at:
six years ago my life changed when I met a woman named Gwen Oatsvall
and learned about her charity 147 Million Orphans -- a ministry used to
help provide food, water, and medicine to orphans around the world as
well as providing funderaising tools for families trying to adopt. I was
twelve years old about to turn thirteen and I decided that I wanted to
collect money for a needy cause in lieu of receiving gifts for my
birthday. Gwen and her husband Scott were in the middle of the adoption
of their little boy Joseph and little girl Daisy from Uganda. As soon as
I met Gwen and got to know her and her family, I knew that this was the
mission God was calling me to serve. From that point forward I became
great friends with the family and fell in love with their children. I
felt God's call to do my part in helping to serve the orphans of the
world through 147.
About a year later Gwen invited me to come listen to a friend of her's named Katie Davis speak. Katie had began traveling to Uganda her senior year of high school and now lives there running her own non-profit, Amazima, and raising thirteen little girls of her own. It was that night, for the first time, that I heard God calling me to serve in Uganda. After Katie was done speaking I ran up to Gwen and told her that she was going to take me to Africa. And four years later... it happened!
This past summer I was blessed with the opportunity of going to serve with Gwen, her son, and a few others in Jinja, Uganda. It was the best 10 days of my life. The country of Uganda and it's people completely captured my heart. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, but it changed my life completely. I boarded that plane the first time apprehensive and unsure of how the Lord could use me, just an ordinary 17 year old girl. I came home with a heart over flowing with love and the realization that the Lord can use us all to HIS glory. The day I left Uganda was one of the best and worst days of my life. I had learned so much and had experienced so much love and joy. It was hard to board that plane not knowing when I would get to go back. My only comfort was in knowing that God sent me to Uganda for a reason and he would bring me back again.
I left my heart in Uganda and I knew that one day God would call me back there to go get it. What I was not expecting however was that it would be so soon. While in Uganda this past summer I had the great opportunity of serving at Heal Ministries. Heal Ministries is a charity that serves abandoned women and children in Jinja, Uganda. By offering English, Business, and Bible classes as well as preschool and child care, Heal helps to give these women the confidence and tools they need to break the poverty cycle in Jinja. When the opportunity arose for me to go serve with Heal again I felt God's constant presence pushing me slowly back to Uganda. Ever since I had gotten home my heart had been heavy with a searching burden, and I now know that It was the Lord preparing to send me back.
There is just one little problem though, it ain't cheap. I am a firm believer that through Christ all things are possible. When it is God's calling he will provide a way for it to happen. As scary as it is I putting my full faith in the Lord knowing that he will provide. If you feel God is calling you to donate to help me get back to Uganda I am so very thankful. Please know that every tiny but helps. There are many different ways to get involved!! 1) You can donate here 2) You can order Ugandan beads for $20 by emailing me at 3) You can stay informed about any fundraisers I am having through my blog
If you are unable to donate that is more thank okay, prayers are needed just as much!! I know the Lord is calling back to Uganda and it is through the help of people like you that I can get there!
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."
-1 Peter 4: 10-11
- See more at:
About a year later Gwen invited me to come listen to a friend of her's named Katie Davis speak. Katie had began traveling to Uganda her senior year of high school and now lives there running her own non-profit, Amazima, and raising thirteen little girls of her own. It was that night, for the first time, that I heard God calling me to serve in Uganda. After Katie was done speaking I ran up to Gwen and told her that she was going to take me to Africa. And four years later... it happened!
This past summer I was blessed with the opportunity of going to serve with Gwen, her son, and a few others in Jinja, Uganda. It was the best 10 days of my life. The country of Uganda and it's people completely captured my heart. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, but it changed my life completely. I boarded that plane the first time apprehensive and unsure of how the Lord could use me, just an ordinary 17 year old girl. I came home with a heart over flowing with love and the realization that the Lord can use us all to HIS glory. The day I left Uganda was one of the best and worst days of my life. I had learned so much and had experienced so much love and joy. It was hard to board that plane not knowing when I would get to go back. My only comfort was in knowing that God sent me to Uganda for a reason and he would bring me back again.
I left my heart in Uganda and I knew that one day God would call me back there to go get it. What I was not expecting however was that it would be so soon. While in Uganda this past summer I had the great opportunity of serving at Heal Ministries. Heal Ministries is a charity that serves abandoned women and children in Jinja, Uganda. By offering English, Business, and Bible classes as well as preschool and child care, Heal helps to give these women the confidence and tools they need to break the poverty cycle in Jinja. When the opportunity arose for me to go serve with Heal again I felt God's constant presence pushing me slowly back to Uganda. Ever since I had gotten home my heart had been heavy with a searching burden, and I now know that It was the Lord preparing to send me back.
There is just one little problem though, it ain't cheap. I am a firm believer that through Christ all things are possible. When it is God's calling he will provide a way for it to happen. As scary as it is I putting my full faith in the Lord knowing that he will provide. If you feel God is calling you to donate to help me get back to Uganda I am so very thankful. Please know that every tiny but helps. There are many different ways to get involved!! 1) You can donate here 2) You can order Ugandan beads for $20 by emailing me at 3) You can stay informed about any fundraisers I am having through my blog
If you are unable to donate that is more thank okay, prayers are needed just as much!! I know the Lord is calling back to Uganda and it is through the help of people like you that I can get there!
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."
-1 Peter 4: 10-11
- See more at:
six years ago my life changed when I met a woman named Gwen Oatsvall
and learned about her charity 147 Million Orphans -- a ministry used to
help provide food, water, and medicine to orphans around the world as
well as providing funderaising tools for families trying to adopt. I was
twelve years old about to turn thirteen and I decided that I wanted to
collect money for a needy cause in lieu of receiving gifts for my
birthday. Gwen and her husband Scott were in the middle of the adoption
of their little boy Joseph and little girl Daisy from Uganda. As soon as
I met Gwen and got to know her and her family, I knew that this was the
mission God was calling me to serve. From that point forward I became
great friends with the family and fell in love with their children. I
felt God's call to do my part in helping to serve the orphans of the
world through 147.
About a year later Gwen invited me to come listen to a friend of her's named Katie Davis speak. Katie had began traveling to Uganda her senior year of high school and now lives there running her own non-profit, Amazima, and raising thirteen little girls of her own. It was that night, for the first time, that I heard God calling me to serve in Uganda. After Katie was done speaking I ran up to Gwen and told her that she was going to take me to Africa. And four years later... it happened!
This past summer I was blessed with the opportunity of going to serve with Gwen, her son, and a few others in Jinja, Uganda. It was the best 10 days of my life. The country of Uganda and it's people completely captured my heart. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, but it changed my life completely. I boarded that plane the first time apprehensive and unsure of how the Lord could use me, just an ordinary 17 year old girl. I came home with a heart over flowing with love and the realization that the Lord can use us all to HIS glory. The day I left Uganda was one of the best and worst days of my life. I had learned so much and had experienced so much love and joy. It was hard to board that plane not knowing when I would get to go back. My only comfort was in knowing that God sent me to Uganda for a reason and he would bring me back again.
I left my heart in Uganda and I knew that one day God would call me back there to go get it. What I was not expecting however was that it would be so soon. While in Uganda this past summer I had the great opportunity of serving at Heal Ministries. Heal Ministries is a charity that serves abandoned women and children in Jinja, Uganda. By offering English, Business, and Bible classes as well as preschool and child care, Heal helps to give these women the confidence and tools they need to break the poverty cycle in Jinja. When the opportunity arose for me to go serve with Heal again I felt God's constant presence pushing me slowly back to Uganda. Ever since I had gotten home my heart had been heavy with a searching burden, and I now know that It was the Lord preparing to send me back.
There is just one little problem though, it ain't cheap. I am a firm believer that through Christ all things are possible. When it is God's calling he will provide a way for it to happen. As scary as it is I putting my full faith in the Lord knowing that he will provide. If you feel God is calling you to donate to help me get back to Uganda I am so very thankful. Please know that every tiny but helps. There are many different ways to get involved!! 1) You can donate here 2) You can order Ugandan beads for $20 by emailing me at 3) You can stay informed about any fundraisers I am having through my blog
If you are unable to donate that is more thank okay, prayers are needed just as much!! I know the Lord is calling back to Uganda and it is through the help of people like you that I can get there!
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."
-1 Peter 4: 10-11
- See more at:
About a year later Gwen invited me to come listen to a friend of her's named Katie Davis speak. Katie had began traveling to Uganda her senior year of high school and now lives there running her own non-profit, Amazima, and raising thirteen little girls of her own. It was that night, for the first time, that I heard God calling me to serve in Uganda. After Katie was done speaking I ran up to Gwen and told her that she was going to take me to Africa. And four years later... it happened!
This past summer I was blessed with the opportunity of going to serve with Gwen, her son, and a few others in Jinja, Uganda. It was the best 10 days of my life. The country of Uganda and it's people completely captured my heart. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, but it changed my life completely. I boarded that plane the first time apprehensive and unsure of how the Lord could use me, just an ordinary 17 year old girl. I came home with a heart over flowing with love and the realization that the Lord can use us all to HIS glory. The day I left Uganda was one of the best and worst days of my life. I had learned so much and had experienced so much love and joy. It was hard to board that plane not knowing when I would get to go back. My only comfort was in knowing that God sent me to Uganda for a reason and he would bring me back again.
I left my heart in Uganda and I knew that one day God would call me back there to go get it. What I was not expecting however was that it would be so soon. While in Uganda this past summer I had the great opportunity of serving at Heal Ministries. Heal Ministries is a charity that serves abandoned women and children in Jinja, Uganda. By offering English, Business, and Bible classes as well as preschool and child care, Heal helps to give these women the confidence and tools they need to break the poverty cycle in Jinja. When the opportunity arose for me to go serve with Heal again I felt God's constant presence pushing me slowly back to Uganda. Ever since I had gotten home my heart had been heavy with a searching burden, and I now know that It was the Lord preparing to send me back.
There is just one little problem though, it ain't cheap. I am a firm believer that through Christ all things are possible. When it is God's calling he will provide a way for it to happen. As scary as it is I putting my full faith in the Lord knowing that he will provide. If you feel God is calling you to donate to help me get back to Uganda I am so very thankful. Please know that every tiny but helps. There are many different ways to get involved!! 1) You can donate here 2) You can order Ugandan beads for $20 by emailing me at 3) You can stay informed about any fundraisers I am having through my blog
If you are unable to donate that is more thank okay, prayers are needed just as much!! I know the Lord is calling back to Uganda and it is through the help of people like you that I can get there!
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."
-1 Peter 4: 10-11
- See more at:
six years ago my life changed when I met a woman named Gwen Oatsvall
and learned about her charity 147 Million Orphans -- a ministry used to
help provide food, water, and medicine to orphans around the world as
well as providing funderaising tools for families trying to adopt. I was
twelve years old about to turn thirteen and I decided that I wanted to
collect money for a needy cause in lieu of receiving gifts for my
birthday. Gwen and her husband Scott were in the middle of the adoption
of their little boy Joseph and little girl Daisy from Uganda. As soon as
I met Gwen and got to know her and her family, I knew that this was the
mission God was calling me to serve. From that point forward I became
great friends with the family and fell in love with their children. I
felt God's call to do my part in helping to serve the orphans of the
world through 147.
About a year later Gwen invited me to come listen to a friend of her's named Katie Davis speak. Katie had began traveling to Uganda her senior year of high school and now lives there running her own non-profit, Amazima, and raising thirteen little girls of her own. It was that night, for the first time, that I heard God calling me to serve in Uganda. After Katie was done speaking I ran up to Gwen and told her that she was going to take me to Africa. And four years later... it happened!
This past summer I was blessed with the opportunity of going to serve with Gwen, her son, and a few others in Jinja, Uganda. It was the best 10 days of my life. The country of Uganda and it's people completely captured my heart. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, but it changed my life completely. I boarded that plane the first time apprehensive and unsure of how the Lord could use me, just an ordinary 17 year old girl. I came home with a heart over flowing with love and the realization that the Lord can use us all to HIS glory. The day I left Uganda was one of the best and worst days of my life. I had learned so much and had experienced so much love and joy. It was hard to board that plane not knowing when I would get to go back. My only comfort was in knowing that God sent me to Uganda for a reason and he would bring me back again.
I left my heart in Uganda and I knew that one day God would call me back there to go get it. What I was not expecting however was that it would be so soon. While in Uganda this past summer I had the great opportunity of serving at Heal Ministries. Heal Ministries is a charity that serves abandoned women and children in Jinja, Uganda. By offering English, Business, and Bible classes as well as preschool and child care, Heal helps to give these women the confidence and tools they need to break the poverty cycle in Jinja. When the opportunity arose for me to go serve with Heal again I felt God's constant presence pushing me slowly back to Uganda. Ever since I had gotten home my heart had been heavy with a searching burden, and I now know that It was the Lord preparing to send me back.
There is just one little problem though, it ain't cheap. I am a firm believer that through Christ all things are possible. When it is God's calling he will provide a way for it to happen. As scary as it is I putting my full faith in the Lord knowing that he will provide. If you feel God is calling you to donate to help me get back to Uganda I am so very thankful. Please know that every tiny but helps. There are many different ways to get involved!! 1) You can donate here 2) You can order Ugandan beads for $20 by emailing me at 3) You can stay informed about any fundraisers I am having through my blog
If you are unable to donate that is more thank okay, prayers are needed just as much!! I know the Lord is calling back to Uganda and it is through the help of people like you that I can get there!
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."
-1 Peter 4: 10-11
- See more at:
About a year later Gwen invited me to come listen to a friend of her's named Katie Davis speak. Katie had began traveling to Uganda her senior year of high school and now lives there running her own non-profit, Amazima, and raising thirteen little girls of her own. It was that night, for the first time, that I heard God calling me to serve in Uganda. After Katie was done speaking I ran up to Gwen and told her that she was going to take me to Africa. And four years later... it happened!
This past summer I was blessed with the opportunity of going to serve with Gwen, her son, and a few others in Jinja, Uganda. It was the best 10 days of my life. The country of Uganda and it's people completely captured my heart. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, but it changed my life completely. I boarded that plane the first time apprehensive and unsure of how the Lord could use me, just an ordinary 17 year old girl. I came home with a heart over flowing with love and the realization that the Lord can use us all to HIS glory. The day I left Uganda was one of the best and worst days of my life. I had learned so much and had experienced so much love and joy. It was hard to board that plane not knowing when I would get to go back. My only comfort was in knowing that God sent me to Uganda for a reason and he would bring me back again.
I left my heart in Uganda and I knew that one day God would call me back there to go get it. What I was not expecting however was that it would be so soon. While in Uganda this past summer I had the great opportunity of serving at Heal Ministries. Heal Ministries is a charity that serves abandoned women and children in Jinja, Uganda. By offering English, Business, and Bible classes as well as preschool and child care, Heal helps to give these women the confidence and tools they need to break the poverty cycle in Jinja. When the opportunity arose for me to go serve with Heal again I felt God's constant presence pushing me slowly back to Uganda. Ever since I had gotten home my heart had been heavy with a searching burden, and I now know that It was the Lord preparing to send me back.
There is just one little problem though, it ain't cheap. I am a firm believer that through Christ all things are possible. When it is God's calling he will provide a way for it to happen. As scary as it is I putting my full faith in the Lord knowing that he will provide. If you feel God is calling you to donate to help me get back to Uganda I am so very thankful. Please know that every tiny but helps. There are many different ways to get involved!! 1) You can donate here 2) You can order Ugandan beads for $20 by emailing me at 3) You can stay informed about any fundraisers I am having through my blog
If you are unable to donate that is more thank okay, prayers are needed just as much!! I know the Lord is calling back to Uganda and it is through the help of people like you that I can get there!
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."
-1 Peter 4: 10-11
- See more at:
six years ago my life changed when I met a woman named Gwen Oatsvall
and learned about her charity 147 Million Orphans -- a ministry used to
help provide food, water, and medicine to orphans around the world as
well as providing funderaising tools for families trying to adopt. I was
twelve years old about to turn thirteen and I decided that I wanted to
collect money for a needy cause in lieu of receiving gifts for my
birthday. Gwen and her husband Scott were in the middle of the adoption
of their little boy Joseph and little girl Daisy from Uganda. As soon as
I met Gwen and got to know her and her family, I knew that this was the
mission God was calling me to serve. From that point forward I became
great friends with the family and fell in love with their children. I
felt God's call to do my part in helping to serve the orphans of the
world through 147.
About a year later Gwen invited me to come listen to a friend of her's named Katie Davis speak. Katie had began traveling to Uganda her senior year of high school and now lives there running her own non-profit, Amazima, and raising thirteen little girls of her own. It was that night, for the first time, that I heard God calling me to serve in Uganda. After Katie was done speaking I ran up to Gwen and told her that she was going to take me to Africa. And four years later... it happened!
This past summer I was blessed with the opportunity of going to serve with Gwen, her son, and a few others in Jinja, Uganda. It was the best 10 days of my life. The country of Uganda and it's people completely captured my heart. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, but it changed my life completely. I boarded that plane the first time apprehensive and unsure of how the Lord could use me, just an ordinary 17 year old girl. I came home with a heart over flowing with love and the realization that the Lord can use us all to HIS glory. The day I left Uganda was one of the best and worst days of my life. I had learned so much and had experienced so much love and joy. It was hard to board that plane not knowing when I would get to go back. My only comfort was in knowing that God sent me to Uganda for a reason and he would bring me back again.
I left my heart in Uganda and I knew that one day God would call me back there to go get it. What I was not expecting however was that it would be so soon. While in Uganda this past summer I had the great opportunity of serving at Heal Ministries. Heal Ministries is a charity that serves abandoned women and children in Jinja, Uganda. By offering English, Business, and Bible classes as well as preschool and child care, Heal helps to give these women the confidence and tools they need to break the poverty cycle in Jinja. When the opportunity arose for me to go serve with Heal again I felt God's constant presence pushing me slowly back to Uganda. Ever since I had gotten home my heart had been heavy with a searching burden, and I now know that It was the Lord preparing to send me back.
There is just one little problem though, it ain't cheap. I am a firm believer that through Christ all things are possible. When it is God's calling he will provide a way for it to happen. As scary as it is I putting my full faith in the Lord knowing that he will provide. If you feel God is calling you to donate to help me get back to Uganda I am so very thankful. Please know that every tiny but helps. There are many different ways to get involved!! 1) You can donate here 2) You can order Ugandan beads for $20 by emailing me at 3) You can stay informed about any fundraisers I am having through my blog
If you are unable to donate that is more thank okay, prayers are needed just as much!! I know the Lord is calling back to Uganda and it is through the help of people like you that I can get there!
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."
-1 Peter 4: 10-11
- See more at:
About a year later Gwen invited me to come listen to a friend of her's named Katie Davis speak. Katie had began traveling to Uganda her senior year of high school and now lives there running her own non-profit, Amazima, and raising thirteen little girls of her own. It was that night, for the first time, that I heard God calling me to serve in Uganda. After Katie was done speaking I ran up to Gwen and told her that she was going to take me to Africa. And four years later... it happened!
This past summer I was blessed with the opportunity of going to serve with Gwen, her son, and a few others in Jinja, Uganda. It was the best 10 days of my life. The country of Uganda and it's people completely captured my heart. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, but it changed my life completely. I boarded that plane the first time apprehensive and unsure of how the Lord could use me, just an ordinary 17 year old girl. I came home with a heart over flowing with love and the realization that the Lord can use us all to HIS glory. The day I left Uganda was one of the best and worst days of my life. I had learned so much and had experienced so much love and joy. It was hard to board that plane not knowing when I would get to go back. My only comfort was in knowing that God sent me to Uganda for a reason and he would bring me back again.
I left my heart in Uganda and I knew that one day God would call me back there to go get it. What I was not expecting however was that it would be so soon. While in Uganda this past summer I had the great opportunity of serving at Heal Ministries. Heal Ministries is a charity that serves abandoned women and children in Jinja, Uganda. By offering English, Business, and Bible classes as well as preschool and child care, Heal helps to give these women the confidence and tools they need to break the poverty cycle in Jinja. When the opportunity arose for me to go serve with Heal again I felt God's constant presence pushing me slowly back to Uganda. Ever since I had gotten home my heart had been heavy with a searching burden, and I now know that It was the Lord preparing to send me back.
There is just one little problem though, it ain't cheap. I am a firm believer that through Christ all things are possible. When it is God's calling he will provide a way for it to happen. As scary as it is I putting my full faith in the Lord knowing that he will provide. If you feel God is calling you to donate to help me get back to Uganda I am so very thankful. Please know that every tiny but helps. There are many different ways to get involved!! 1) You can donate here 2) You can order Ugandan beads for $20 by emailing me at 3) You can stay informed about any fundraisers I am having through my blog
If you are unable to donate that is more thank okay, prayers are needed just as much!! I know the Lord is calling back to Uganda and it is through the help of people like you that I can get there!
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."
-1 Peter 4: 10-11
- See more at:
Monday, January 13, 2014
Because holding an orphaned child in your arms is "soo cute"...
Today I witnessed something that truly made me sick. Maybe I am just over reacting, but you know what y'all, I just can't keep myself from saying anything about it. That is how truly outraged am. I guess I should actually explain what I saw. Today while doing my usual scroll down my Facebook homepage I saw a link to an article with the title "The Four Cutest Ways to Photograph Yourself Hugging A Third-World Child." (Here is the article if you want to see it yourself If you know me at all, then I am guessing that you already have a pretty good idea of why this bothered me so much, but wait there is more. On the cover, all blown up, and headlined was a picture of Katie Davis. For those of you who do not know who she is, Katie Davis is simply put an amazing woman as well as one of my biggest role models. Katie moved to Africa straight out of high school and began serving in Uganda. Today she runs a non profit called "Amazima Ministries" and has 14 little girls that call her mom. Her blog is beautiful and I encourage each and everyone of you to read it. Katie truly gave up everything and followed God's calling to Uganda where she selflessly serves every day. And yet here, a young woman close to the age of Katie herself, posted this article belittling everything that Katie and thousands of other missionaries do every day. And that ladies and gentlemen... truly repulses me.
Now I do need to address an issue. There are a lot of people in this world who do their "good deeds" for the wrong reasons. We all know those people who don't give in the name of the father, but instead in the name of receiving earthly praise. The bible warns us about those people. In Matthew 6 the Lord says "Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." But guess what, at the same time it is most definitely not our place to judge these people. I mean there are far worst things that they could be doing. At least they are doing something for the betterment of this world! But again... that is not my point. I understand why people think it may be funny to mock these "women who pose with 3rd world children." As most of you know I have posted many many many pictures from my trip to Uganda this past year. But please let me tell you why.
I love Uganda. I love it's people, it's land, and it's culture. I was the happiest I have ever been while I was there. I post so many pictures from my journey to Africa not because I am searching for praise, but because those pictures are pieces of my HEART, my JOY, and my testament to the GLORY of GOD. Don't get my wrong, it is very easy to get caught up in the praise of going on a mission trip. People do praise you because it is scary and it is hard, but the praise is not what it is about. My constant prayer throughout my journey was that when people heard my story they would not think "what a great thing for her to do" but instead "how great of a God we have." I followed my heart and God's calling to Uganda. I served HIS people in HIS name. And you know what... I took A TON of cute pictures with children that I will cherish in my heart forever.
So now that I have gotten the chance to say my peace I will end with this. Sometimes I wish that I could be so simple minded to post an article like I saw today. That sounds really rude, and I promise I don't mean it to be. Sometimes I really do wish that I didn't know what it felt like to hold an abandoned baby in my arms ( and let me tell you folks... there is nothing "cute" about it.) Sometimes I wish that I didn't feel a hole in my heart everyday from the piece of it I left in Uganda. Sometimes I wish that I didn't miss those sweet Davis girls who showed me pure unconditional love. Sometimes I wish that God didn't call me to something so difficult. But then I remember the joy. I remember how clearly I was able to feel the spirit of the Lord in Uganda. I remember the all the smiling faces. I remember the light of the Lord that was shown through that trip. I remember what it was like to meet people who cling to the Lord, because he is all they have. And so I thank the Lord for calling me to Uganda. I thank the Lord, because although everyone may not get it, I was lucky enough to serve the man who gave his life up for me. For the first time in my life I saw a glimpse of what the Lord has in store for me.
1 Peter 2:15-
"For such is the will of God that by doing what is right you may silence the ignorance of foolish men"
P.S- That article was so wrong.... this is OBVIOUSLY the cutest way to pose with a third world child ;)

Now I do need to address an issue. There are a lot of people in this world who do their "good deeds" for the wrong reasons. We all know those people who don't give in the name of the father, but instead in the name of receiving earthly praise. The bible warns us about those people. In Matthew 6 the Lord says "Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." But guess what, at the same time it is most definitely not our place to judge these people. I mean there are far worst things that they could be doing. At least they are doing something for the betterment of this world! But again... that is not my point. I understand why people think it may be funny to mock these "women who pose with 3rd world children." As most of you know I have posted many many many pictures from my trip to Uganda this past year. But please let me tell you why.
I love Uganda. I love it's people, it's land, and it's culture. I was the happiest I have ever been while I was there. I post so many pictures from my journey to Africa not because I am searching for praise, but because those pictures are pieces of my HEART, my JOY, and my testament to the GLORY of GOD. Don't get my wrong, it is very easy to get caught up in the praise of going on a mission trip. People do praise you because it is scary and it is hard, but the praise is not what it is about. My constant prayer throughout my journey was that when people heard my story they would not think "what a great thing for her to do" but instead "how great of a God we have." I followed my heart and God's calling to Uganda. I served HIS people in HIS name. And you know what... I took A TON of cute pictures with children that I will cherish in my heart forever.
So now that I have gotten the chance to say my peace I will end with this. Sometimes I wish that I could be so simple minded to post an article like I saw today. That sounds really rude, and I promise I don't mean it to be. Sometimes I really do wish that I didn't know what it felt like to hold an abandoned baby in my arms ( and let me tell you folks... there is nothing "cute" about it.) Sometimes I wish that I didn't feel a hole in my heart everyday from the piece of it I left in Uganda. Sometimes I wish that I didn't miss those sweet Davis girls who showed me pure unconditional love. Sometimes I wish that God didn't call me to something so difficult. But then I remember the joy. I remember how clearly I was able to feel the spirit of the Lord in Uganda. I remember the all the smiling faces. I remember the light of the Lord that was shown through that trip. I remember what it was like to meet people who cling to the Lord, because he is all they have. And so I thank the Lord for calling me to Uganda. I thank the Lord, because although everyone may not get it, I was lucky enough to serve the man who gave his life up for me. For the first time in my life I saw a glimpse of what the Lord has in store for me.
1 Peter 2:15-
"For such is the will of God that by doing what is right you may silence the ignorance of foolish men"
P.S- That article was so wrong.... this is OBVIOUSLY the cutest way to pose with a third world child ;)
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