Dear Katie,
I am writing this letter because my life is about to dramatically change. In a little over a week I'm packing up my car and moving to Knoxville to start this next chapter of my life. I am so excited, but so incredibly nervous at the same time. Everything is about change, and as eager as I have been to finally get to this point of my life... I am scared.
I guess all of this upcoming change has caused me to reflect back upon the last four years of my life, and I have had a few realizations. I made a lot of mistakes the past four years and looking back now, as much as those mistakes hurt me at the time, I guess I am thankful because they have gotten me to where I am today. You are going to get your heart broken.. a few times. You are going to embarrass yourself... more than a few times. But just remember it is ok! As much as it seems like you are the only one going through this awkward and confusing time, you're not. Everyone else is just as insecure as you are.
I guess the most important thing I have to tell you is to just let go. Do not hold so tightly to everyone else's opinion of you, because in all honesty... they just don't matter. I know you do not feel confident and I know you feel like you're never going to be cool enough, pretty enough, or skinny enough but all those things are not what makes a confident person. Let me let you in on a little secret -- If you are trying to find joy in the world, you're never going to find it. True joy and true confidence can only come from one place -- your relationship with the Lord. In the eyes of the world you are never going to be perfect, there is always going to be something wrong with you. But if you give your heart fully to Jesus he will make you beautiful. In God's eyes you are perfect.
The last thing I want to say is enjoy this time of your life. Try things that you never imagined you would do, work hard at what you are passionate about, and do not be afraid to share your heart with others. The Lord has a perfect plan for you, and even though you don't realize it now... everything you are going through is being used by The Lord to make you into the woman you are going to become. Never forget how precious you truly are.
Much Love,
Your future self
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