Monday, April 7, 2014

Endless Questions and Beautiful Answers

When? What? Where? Why? These are all questions that I ask myself countless times every day and even more these past few months especially. As many of you probably know -- I like to be in control and I am extremely stubborn. There I said it. No I am not proud of it and a lot of times it can get me into some trouble, but it's who I am. I also at times have a hard time trusting people, and an even harder time asking for other people's help. Right now my life is busier than it ever has been. Between finishing high school. getting ready for college, working, spending time with friends, being a senior (yes it takes a lot of work contrary to popular belief), church, planning a mission trip, and spending quality time with my family -- it just all started feeling like to much. Instead of enjoying living one of the most memorable years of my life I was instead allowing myself to get weighed down. I think it's at these times that we are most vulnerable to the workings of the devil. He wipers messages of giving up and easier ways in your ear, and when that doesn't work he hits you even harder with words like "you're not good enough." I'm not going to lie, after a while I started to believe him. As hard as I would pray to God for answers or help nothing would happen. And because of the type of person I am I quickly became frustrated and didn't understand why I was not getting the answers I was looking for. Before long it finally became to much, and as much as it killed me to do so -- I had to ask for help. It was then that I realized that maybe that was God's plan the whole time. God puts struggles in our life not only to make the good times even more beautiful, but also to just simply make us stronger. He even promises us in 1 Corinthians that he will not give us more than we can bare. The Lord knows where I fall short, but I know through him I am made beautiful. Through the challenges the Lord set before me he forced me to become humble and realize all of the people around me who are there for me. No matter how hard I try, I can't do it on my own. And now looking back I couldn't be more thankful that the Lord forced me to realize it. So I guess what I am trying to say is... bring it on world, because I not only have amazing friends to help me through, but also an even more amazing God. Don't rush through life, enjoy every second because no matter how cliche it might sound -- we aren't promised tomorrow. I am so thankful to God for this life he has blessed me with, and although it's sometimes hard -- I wouldn't have it any other way.



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