Thursday, January 5, 2017

May the name of The LORD be praised

   As someone who plans on devoting her life to serving children with disabilities, I am strong believer that there are certain people put on this earth simply to care for others. Valerie Malone Marshall is one of those people. I count my self lucky, because growing up I not only had a mother looking out for me and loving me, but I also had a Nanny. It feels almost silly to assign such a title to Valerie, because she was so much more to me than a nanny— she was and still is today family. Valerie began taking care of me when I was only a few months old, and continued to help take care of my little brother and myself throughout different stages of our lives. Whether it was through girls lunches, family dinners, or even the occasion sleepover- even when Valerie was not technically working as a caregiver to me, she always remained an active role model in my life. 

We all know the old adage that one day we will open our mouths and hear our mothers speaking. Well, I will never forget the day that I opened my mouth and Valerie came out. I developed a love for working with children at a very young age, and I contribute this to Valerie. It was her devotion, sincere love, and compassion that inspired me to try to be an influence in other children’s lives like she was in mine. Even to this day when I  am speaking to my students, I catch myself sounding like Valerie. 

Throughout all of our years and memories together, one of my favorites would have to be the night that I was staying with Valerie about 3 years ago. It is so special, because that night she told me that she had started talking to a man name Jason and she truly believed that he could be THE ONE. It was not long after, that I found myself meeting Valerie for her to introduce me to Jason. To my surprise it was that same day that they both announced to me that they were engaged. Their love story is one unlike any other, and their love for each other is truly inspiring. I cannot think of two more deserving people to be able to start a family of their own. 
Since the day Valerie and Jason got married, I have been anxiously waiting for the day that Valerie would call me and tell me that she was pregnant. I will never forget the night that I got that very call. It just happened to be the night before I was leaving for my summer in Africa. I don't think I have ever been so excited about a phone call. I can remember just sitting on the front porch steps crying and praising Jesus with Valerie on the phone. But The Lord giveth and The Lord taketh away, and while I can’t for one second begin to explain why, Jesus decided that Baby was to come home to His kingdom before coming to this Earth. Coming from a family who has experienced the immense pain of a miscarriage, when I heard from Valerie that their baby had gone to be with the Lord my heart felt what I know to be only a fraction of their pain instantly. But as Job said, “May the name of the Lord be praised”, and despite this loss Jason and Valerie stayed fervent in prayer and in faith that the Lord would bless them with a family. 

After two years of trying to expand their family through birth, Jason and Valerie have decided to pursue the road of Adoption. Anyone who knows me must know how excited I was for them when they told me, and how anxious I was to help them in any way as they began this new journey. Anyone who spends any amount of time around Jason and Valerie will be able to see not only their love and devotion for each other, but also for The Lord. And now I hope that through this little testament you will also come to believe, just as I do, that any child would be blessed beyond compare to be able to call these two their parents.

For many months now we have all been praying and anxiously waiting to see what child the Lord would bring their way, and just over a week ago Jason and Valerie found out that they have been matched with a birth mother!! The baby is due at the end of February, and they have until then to raise just over $40,000. While Valerie would never say this herself because she is one of the most humble, godly, and loving woman I have ever known— I will say it for her because I have seen it first hand. Valerie deserves this baby and this family, but she and Jason need help to bring him/her home. Valerie’s heart is so so big, and she has spent her life showering children with love like they were her own. I believe with all my heart however that it is now Valerie's turn to have a child that calls her mom.

   I have said it before and I will say it again, I cannot think of two more deserving people than Jason and Valerie to finally be able to start a family of their own. I count myself truly blessed for being able to witness what the Lord’s perfect plan has been for both Jason and Valerie’s lives. While 40,000 is no small task, we believe that ALL THINGS are possible through Christ. And while Valerie and Jason have applied for (and been awarded with a few) grants, the money just is not there yet. With this adoption they are required to pay all of the money upfront in order to receive the baby, and they still have a lot of money left to raise. So that is why I am asking that if you feel so led, please help this couple bring their baby home. They have a fundraising website that you can donate to, and I will post the link at the bottom of this post. The generosity of so many people and the faithfulness of The Lord has already been so evident, and I have no doubt in my mind that it will continue. I know that this has been Jesus perfect plan for Valerie’s life all along, and I have no doubt that through him this baby will be given two of the most loving and deserving parents in this world. I also ask that you please shower Valerie, Jason, the baby, and the birth momma in prayer. While we are so thankful for this baby and for Valerie and Jason— we are still aware that with the joy of adoption comes the reality that a momma is selflessly giving up her baby. Jesus is so good, and I know he is at work here. Please pray about it, and if you feel so led please help bring Baby Marshall home. 

Much love, 

Fundraising Website: